Send & Receive Healing & Protection, Anytime, Anywhere

World’s Most Powerful
Automated Energy Healing

Healing and Protection

Experience SILENT subtle energy 24/7 or whenever you need it.

Quantum Healthcare

Mental Health


Peak Performance

Sexual Wellness

Experience 10 Distinct Energy Signatures

Quantum Brain Longevity

Rejuvenating Nootropics for Anti-Aging

Quantum Recovery

Boost your body’s natural healing ability

Quantum Meditation

Expand your consciousness

Quantum Calm

Sleep and meditate more deeply

Quantum Mental Energy

Clear Brain Fog, Revitalize Your Mind, Boost Productivity

Quantum Abundance

Supports you in operating from the optimal wealth-building mindset

Experience Qi Energy Anywhere…


Create a Wellness Sanctuary

Find new levels of relaxation, connection and inner peace. Come home to QiEnergy.Ai


Create an Extraordinary Work Environment

Energize your work life in a high-consciousness environment. Attract abundance.


Create a Nurturing Bubble Around You

Take the high-consciousness QiEnergy.Ai environment with you everywhere, 24/7

60 Day Money Back Guarantee

Tesla Invented It We Perfected It

In 1901, Nikola Tesla built the Wardenclyffe Tower, its purpose was to send “ether” or qi energy over large distances. Since then, no one has been able to successfully achieve it… until now.

QiEnergy.Ai Broadcasts SILENT Energy Like Your Personal Automated Energy Healer

60 Day Money Back Guarantee

Harness the Power Quantum Entanglement

Our QiEnergy.Ai Users Are Astounded…

"This is incredibly powerful! I spent with these energy signatures twice for 2-3 hours and it gave a big surge of energy. I felt it in my body. This feeling of a surge of energy was so strong that I had to urgently do a strength workout!"
Kevin Creegan
"The dream frequency is truly God-send. I was able to fall asleep faster and deeper. Also, we just had a baby and he was waking up every 3 hours. It’s been over a week now and he only wakes up 1-2 times a night. Some nights, he sleeps through the entire night! This itself is worth all the money in the world!"
Andrea Chee
"I thought frequencies using the coils was fantastic but this takes it to another level. I found the effects almost immediately for more physical considerations. I am also excited to try the abundance frequency"
Mark A.

20+ Years of Evidence-Based Research

In this scientific study, it was found that certain Qi Gong practitioners can

  • Inhibit cancer cell growth
  • Send Qi Energy through solid barriers, like metal and electromagnetic shielding
  • Send Qi Energy faster than light
  • Send Qi Energy without any loss of power with increased distance
Dr. Kevin Chen et al (Chen XJ, 1997), graph from (Chen, 2002).

Qi Energy Ai - The Future of Wellness

Qi Energy Ai
Instant, Silent Delivery/Therapy
Unlimited, Repeatable use
No pills or needles
Automated 24/7, scheduled therapy
Can energize a phone
Can energize an address
No physical (space/time) limitations

Your Ideal Self, Optimal Body, Abundance Has a Frequency… Many search for years for this magic frequency, and give up quickly But what if you could tune into it instantly?

Finally Get Rid Of [typed string0="Stress" string1="Anxiety" string2="Tiredness" string3="Lack of focus" string4="Overwhelm" string5="Disconnect" string6="Lack" string7="Pain" string8="Unhealthy" string9="Negativity" string10="Confusion" string11="Directionless" string12="Sleep Problems" string13="Feeling Stuck" typeSpeed="40" startDelay="0" backSpeed="40" backDelay="500" loop="1"]Forever!

60 Day Money Back Guarantee


Simply login your account, connect your phone number and turn on an energy signature. The energy will start broadcasting immediately.

No, there is no sound, light or magnetic waves. Our technology harnesses a higher level of frequencies. It is similar to scalar energy, or zero-point energy and is faster and more versatile than light, sound or magnetic waves. You can detect it with your other senses, ie. in parts of your body, such as heat, vibrations, tingling, heaviness, and changes in your mood, focus and consciousness.

No, you don’t need to connected to the internet to work but if you aren’t connected in the internet the effects may be diminished.

Yes, try our FREE DEMO broadcast page, where we send an energy signature directly through that webpage. Stay on that page for 60 minutes to test your sensitivity to qi energy.

80% of users will feel mild to intense effects after a few minutes of use, 20% of users will have difficulty feeling the effects and will only notice effects after using 21 days. The reason for this difference is that some people are more energetically sensitive than others. Stay on our FREE DEMO page for 60 minutes for guidance on how to feel the energy.

Drink lots of water, and use a lower power setting or turn the signature off. You are probably oversaturating your bio energy field or you are more sensitive to Qi energy. Take a break and use it some time later.

They are digital versions of the natural subtle energies that certain substances or mental / emotional / physical states emit. These are recorded and then amplified exponentially with our Quantum AI algorithm and sent to your phone or address via subspace waves.

Our studies show our signatures produce extremely statistically significant effects when compared versus baseline and placebo.

From our tests, it seems that the energy broadcasts are more effective with wifi and mobile data turned ON on the device. Turning off your phone completely seems to disconnect the energy broadcast. However, turning off the screen only (while keeping your phone on) will make a neglible difference.

Yes, but only with the permission of the user of the other phone and with sms verification.

EMF protection is added to every energy signature.

These are varying levels of amplification and potency of the energy signatures. Low can be used for longer periods. Ultra should usually be used for shorter periods.

You can play up to 3 energy signatures simultaneously for each phone number or address.

Add an address inside your members area and select the energy signatures you want to broadcast.

Premium signatures such as Abundance, Dream, Entrepreneur are intended to increase your financial health and resources, so therefore are valued much higher than basic energy signatures. adds another layer (another dimension) of qi energy to energize your bio-field or your home’s energy field. This force is called “Quantum Resonance” or simply “Qi Energy” and is different from the electromagnetic fields experienced from Qi Coils or the sound vibrations from Quantum Frequencies. Many members use QiEnergy.Ai with Qi Coil and Quantum Frequencies and say that it takes their experience to a whole new level.

Absolutely! These energy signatures are highly likely to deepen and amplify other wellness practices. In fact, QiEnergy.Ai is designed to work synergistically with Qi Coils and technologies from on

Yes, there are no commitments, so you can cancel anytime. But we encourage you to use our energy signatures daily for a full 60 days to be certain that it’s not for you before you cancel. Currently, because this technology is still in its infancy, all our membership plans are at seriously discounted prices. If you cancel and decide to join back later (when we have more energy signatures available), the plans will at much higher prices.

We’re so confident that QiEnergy.Ai will give you back incredible value that you have 60 days to try the technology before you decide to keep it. Most people experience amazing benefits within 7 days but If you are not satisfied in any way within a full 60 days, we will give you a full refund – no questions asked.